Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Small Business & Leadership

The Archdale-Trinity Chamber of Commerce Small Business/Leadership Collection was created in the hopes of fostering leadership and the development of small business in the Archdale/Trinity area. The Archdale/Trinity Chamber also donates material and a small stipend to help grow the collection.

One of the titles that we added recently is Women Lead the Way by Linda Tarr-Whelan. Click on the link to request the copy to be held at your local library (it will ask for your library card number and PIN. The PIN is the last four digits of your phone number).
Despite enormous gains made in the past decades, women continue to be woefully underrepresented in positions of power. This is a loss for everyone--women's priorities are overlooked and organizations miss out on the new perspectives and fresh insights that women can offer. Entrepreneur, diplomat, nonprofit and government leader, nurse, and mom Linda Tarr-Whelan intends to change that. Taking lessons form her own distinguished career and those of the extraordinary women she has know, she offers practical guidance for bringing your passion, brains, and background to the tables where critical issues get decided. --Book jacket.

The following is a related-post from the summer:
New start your own business books are here!

Don't forget to come in and check out the other books in our Archdale-Trinity Chamber of Commerce Leadership/Small Business Collection.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Need Some Valentine Help?

Stop by our display near the nonfiction area to see some of the books that can offer some romantic ideas for the big day coming up!

Special thanks to Molly Shew for providing the heARTwork on display!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

February Events at the Archdale Public Library! (REVISED)

 February is Love Your Library Month!

In addition to enjoying our wonderful programs, don't forget to follow us on twitter (@RCPL)  and become a fan of the Archdale Library on Facebook!

Storytimes: Every Thursday
@ 10:30am

Writers Group: Monday, February 15 @ 6:30pm

Book Break: Tuesday, February 16 @ 2:00pm

Job-Hunting Workshop: Monday, February 22 @ 10:30am

Since the Randolph County School System will be using Monday, February 15 as a makeup day, we will not be showing the No School Movie.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Cherokee Booger Masks on Display!

During the month of February, the library's display cases and bulletin boards are full of artwork from the art students at John Lawrence Elementary. Ms. Blanchard provided the following description of a Cherokee Booger Mask.

Make sure to stop by and check out all of the amazing art creations on display this month!
Head over to our Flickr page to see all of the art on display.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Snowed In? Library Closed?

NCLIVE is a State supported website of databases and other web-related tools that are free to all public library patrons. All you need to access the databases is your library card number!

During these recent snowed-in days, you might be looking for something to read or help with a project at home. NCLIVE offers two databases that provide e-books (electronic books) that you can read on your computer at home!
  • NetLibrary offers easy access to the full text of more than 22,000 reference, scholarly, and professional full-text books online. 
  • MyiLibrary provides access to more than 350 full-text online books. The eBooks can be read from your computer screen. No proprietary e-book reader or download is required.
If you have issues accessing the sites from home, you should try going through our Randquest Portal to access them.
    NCLIVE provides so much more! Makes sure to spend some time checking out the other resources.

    Monday, February 01, 2010

    Staff Recommendations All Month Long!

    Check out our display next to the New Books the next time you are in the Archdale Library.

    For February, in honor of Library Lover's Month, we are displaying recommended favorites from the library staff. DVDs, books, books-on-CD and more are on display!