Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Graduating Seniors… Are you prepared?

”Strategies for 1st Year Success”

April 24, from 6-8 p.m.

Archdale Public Library

Archdale, NC

Presented by:

Carolyn Langley, County Extension Director

NC Cooperative Extension --

Randolph County

2222-A S Fayetteville St.

Asheboro, NC 27305

Ph: 336-318-6000 -- Fax: 336-318-6011

Are you ready to become a Freshman all over again? College success can be enhanced with a little planning and thinking before heading off to a new life as an underclassman. College 101 gets your brain thinking about how to navigate that first year successfully.

Main Topics:

High School Senior v. College Freshman

Can you tell them apart?

Choosing College Classes:

Know Thy Professors

Note Taking

Study Tips

Test Taking Strategies

General Survival Tips:

Time Management

New Social Scene

Credit Card Lies

Roommate Possibilities

Safety on Campus

Handouts will be included!


Register Today!

CALL: 336-318-6000 NC Cooperative Extension, Randolph Center

336-431-4619 Archdale Trinity Public Library

E-mail: or

Your Name:_________________________________________________

Phone:________________ Name of High School:___________________

What college will you be attending?______________________________

$3 per student. (Parents / Guardians admitted FREE!)

(Payable at door: cash or check to “NC Cooperative Extension, Randolph Cty Center.”)

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