Fill the Bus!School Starts Soon:
Communities In Schools of Randolph County Organizes 4th Annual "Fill The Bus" School Supply Drive
A pristine notebook filled with doodle-free composition books and a plastic case full of freshly sharpened pencils. For most of us, these items represent a nostalgic memory of the first day of another school year. Some students in our area, though, lack these basic educational essentials. For them, the start of another school year means anxiety and embarrassment as they arrive for class without the tools for learning. Teachers try to help, but they cannot bear the entire burden.
To meet this need, Communities In Schools of Randolph County (CISRC) is sponsoring its fourth annual “Fill the Bus” school supply drive July 17 – August 11, 2006.
George Taylor, branch manager for Randolph County Public Library's Archdale Branch was one of the first in the community to receive his collection box for these supplies. He said, “It’s a great time for folks to visit the library, drop off some school supplies, then pick up a great summer read." Collection boxes are also located in the following area businesses and churches:
- Archdale Rec Center
- Archdale-Trinity News office
- Archdale United Methodist Church
- Communities In Schools office at John Lawrence Elementary
- Domino’s Pizza – Hillsville
- First Citizen’s Bank - Archdale
- First National Bank – Archdale, Bush Hill, Trinity
- Gospel Baptist Church
- Lowe’s Foods – Archdale
- LSB the Bank – Archdale
- Marlboro Friends Meeting
- McDonald’s – Archdale
- Poplar Ridge Friends Meeting
- Trindale Community Church
- Trinity United Methodist Church
Students most often require: book bags (no wheels), 3-ring binders, wide-ruled notebook paper, pencils, pens (black, blue, or red ink), subject dividers, colored pencils, highlighters, crayons, glue sticks, pencil bags, pencil boxes, composition books (one, three, or five subject), student scissors, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, 3-prong folders (any color), erasers, Play-Doh (for kindergarteners), markers (thin or broad tipped), marbled composition books, clipboards, Elmer’s glue, and index cards (3 x 5 and 4 x 6). Monetary donations are also accepted and can be sent to the CISRC office at 6068 Suits Road, Archdale, NC.
Communities in Schools of Randolph County is a non-profit organization that helps young people stay in school, successfully learn, and prepare for life by connecting needed community resources with schools. In August and September 2005, CISRC, with the help of individuals and businesses in our community, provided school supplies to over 150 students. This number represented a 45% increase in assistance over the previous year.
While the cornerstone of the CIS program is one-on-one mentoring, the Randolph County organization provided a variety of student based programs in 2005-2006 and is planning the following for the upcoming school year:
Celebration in Song Music Camp: Students receive one hour of music instruction each week in this after-school camp. These young performers showcase their talents in various events throughout the year, including the Archdale Christmas parade, Christmas in Trinity, and Dinnertainment.
Transitions: Various programs designed to keep middle and high school students involved in school. These programs include:
Success 101
Attendance Incentives
Job Shadowing
Girls And Power (GAP)
High Jump to High School
Adopt A School: This program pairs churches with schools to enhance the education of children and provide support for school staff. Our current school/church partnerships are:
Archdale Elementary School – Archdale United Methodist Church
John Lawrence Elementary School – Mount Vernon United Methodist Church
Trindale Elementary School – Trindale Community Church
Trinity Elementary School – Trinity Memorial United Methodist Church
Trinity High School – Archdale Friends Meeting and Poplar Ridge Friends Meeting
Partnerships are still available with Archdale-Trinity Middle School, Braxton Craven Middle School, and Hopewell Elementary School.
For more information or to volunteer, contact: Sandi Norman, Communities in Schools of Randolph County, 6068 Suits Road, Archdale, NC 27263; phone: 336-434-0008; e-mail:
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